On Choosing a Seattle Moving Company

Finding a mover in Seattle that would fit one’s needs can be difficult, but with a little guidance, zest, and caution, moving wouldn’t be as overwhelming as it tends to be. Choosing a moving company should be done in at least a month or two before the actual moving day. Foregoing it for too long and getting one on short notice can be a logistical nightmare. Continue reading

Moving to another Washington City: Seattle Movers Make the Task Easier

Choosing packing services provided by trusted Seattle movers that know how to use the appropriate packing boxes and materials is crucial to a successful move. Schedule the packing process with your mover a day or two before the arrival of the moving van. If you plan on packing your goods yourself, it’s never too early to start.

Seattle Movers: Six Moving Tips that will Make the Big Move Roll Smoothly

Load your bed last

The bed is one of the most cumbersome pieces of furniture to move around the house. Not only is it big, it’s also usually quite heavy. With boxes strewn all over the place, moving the bed around can be an even tougher challenge. By loading the bed last, it gets brought into the new house first before any other obstacles get in the way.

Book your movers at least two weeks in advance

Most people plan their moves to coincide with the last day of the month. This can make this time rather hectic for reliable Seattle moving companies that have built a reputation for customer satisfaction. To ensure that you secure a slot with the mover you prefer, always book them as early as possible.


New Apartment, New Life

Buying or renting a new apartment can be a milestone in your personal life. You finally get to strike out on your own after years of being in the family household. Moving into the new place is, therefore, a challenge you must surpass so you can comfortably settle in– often with the help of reputable moving companies.

The move-in can be set into motion as soon as you secure the lease agreement from the landlord or the ownership papers. Start by reviewing the entire apartment space to determine the layout. You will have to measure the width of the hallway and the staircases to guide the moving team in with bringing all your stuff, especially large furniture. Clean or fix up the place first to prevent any hazards during the move-in.

Draft the schedule for moving in, which will need factoring in the time you need to pack up your belongings and transport them. Arrange connections with the utility company and your cable provider well before the move and negotiate with the landlord about new locks. Most importantly, study the activity around your apartment to determine the peak periods to move in– you will need to get in with little traffic and few to no neighbors around.

Moving into a new apartment does take some shock to help you realize that you’re finally living on your own. It is the beginning of a new adventure.